Nintendo's Japanese YouTube account posted a three-pack of Star Allies goodness today! Check 'em out below, but as always, if you're avoiding spoilers, they may not be something you want to watch at all!
The overview trailer details the main features of the game, including Helpers and Friend Abilities. There aren't any new reveals we didn't already know of, except a particular boss duo now has new footage after only being seen in magazine scans.
Here's the second Japanese TV spot! As expected, it follows suit of the first one, instead just showing other Friend Abilities and bosses. Super cute!
Finally, the amiibo demonstration! This was detailed on the official site, but now we see it in action for the first time. Not as elaborate as Planet Robobot's amiibo functionality, but it's still a nice addition!
There you have it! Kirby Star Allies is right around the corner and it can't be more exciting to be a Kirby fan! The worldwide release is March 16, which is about two and a half weeks away!