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Waddle Dee

These basic enemies love to trot around and mind their own businesses. You'll usually find them among the crowd, but sometimes they'll be in a hurry to run you over!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Waddle Doo

Waddle Dee's cycloptic relative has more than just better eyesight, as he can use his giant eye to shoot a trail of beams in front of him! Some only use this power periodically, but others are absolutely nuts about it.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Bronto Burt

These guys always look perpetually peeved at something. Could that something be Kirby? It's possible, as some will either chase him or fly away when he gets too close. They're good at holding grudges!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


As squishy as they may look, Sparkies don't act kindly to those who want to squeeze them. Get in their way and their sheer anger will put up a fierce electric barrier around them.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Hot Head

True to their name, Hot Heads' heads are hot, which is quite curious because of their friendly demeanor. They can breathe fire up close, or shoot fireballs to warn anyone who threatens them from afar.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Poppy Bros. Jr.

Look at that smile! These guys must love life, because you won't se any who aren't skipping around happily. Sometimes you'll find one balancing on a Maxim Tomato, and as delicious as they look, eat the Poppy jockey first if you don't want it to splat!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Sometimes Kirby can be a bit blinded by food and not realize that they can also be dangerous. Apples have hard exteriors, which make for the perfect weapon. That is, if you're a tiny clown or a tree.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Dream Land may be full of cuddly creatures, but Gordo sure isn't one of them! Try to hug him as much as you can, but all you'll get is a face full of spikes. They're completely invincible to anything thrown at them.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Are they mushrooms? Or are they little guys who pretend they're mushrooms? Whatever the case is, they sure like to dance, and get a little freaked out when their cap is eaten.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


These cannons always have their aim on Kirby, but lucky for him, the bullets are rather slow! They're made out of the same hard material as Gordos, so they can't be defeated.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Sir Kibble

This walking set of armor knows a thing or two about boomerangs and uses that knowledge and his sharp blade in tandem. Don't be fooled if he throws it in the other direction! Boomerangs have to come back, after all.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Most of the marine life in Dream Land are adapted to water and land, but Blippers missed the evolution bus that day. They flop around on land and can't swim without goggles. Don't make fun of them!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Broom Hatter

Broom Hatters dedicate their lives to cleaning, whether it'd be outside in the grass or inside a murky cave. I don't know if they notice Kirby, but he won't stop them from tidying up the place!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Sword Knight

Someone who calls themselves Sword Knight must know what they're doing with a sword. And you'd be right! He'll come at you with swift swipes, and even block oncoming projectiles.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Blade Knight

He and Sword Knight have a lot in common, but Blade Knight likes having those extra protective shoulder pads. Do they do much against someone who eats things whole? Probably not, but don't tell him that.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Kabus are frantic heads that don't care much about their surroundings. You'll find them flying all over the place, and sometimes they'll even teleport around. What weirdos!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Flamers feel the most safe when they're crawling on walls and floors, but that won't stop them from jumping away if someone gets too close. They'll burn up and try ramming you, but they take their good ol' time to do it.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


These curious crabs won't stop moving forward until they get there. What's "there" you ask? I'm not sure, but nothing is stopping them, not even water!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Glunks are as motionless as ever, but have upgraded their projectile fire rate. Sounds impressive, but it came with the cost of them only shooting upwards. The poor thing can only have one or the other!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


When Slippy sees something, he won't let his eyes off it, and that includes Kirby. He'll get wet if he has to, but all this frog wants to do is touch the thing running away from him!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Simply having that spiky shell seems like enough of a defense, but Togezo found a way to turn his defense into offense as well! He'll occasionally roll up and speed around. Sometimes it seems like he's just showing off.



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


These coconuts are so precariously hanging from the branches that even the slightest movement from underneath will make them fall. Be careful about the explosions they cause!



Found in:

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Parasol Waddle Doo

One day, Waddle Doo decided to give up his life of eye beams and go parasol-head instead. Was it a good trade? That's debatable, but at least now he won't have to worry about falling off cliffs.



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Parasol Waddle Dee

If you needed anything else to factor into Waddle Dee's peacefulness, just give them parasols to shield them from the sun! They'll float gently off of cliffs without a worry in the world.



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


While not as sentient as their Kirby's Dream Land Extra Game counterparts, they can sometimes be found bringing Shotzos from the sky, and will take off when they land.



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Don't be fooled by the friendly face! They may look like they want to be eaten (by Kirby's standards at least), but open that mouth and they'll go berserk. Be careful, as they'll also explode to the most delicate touch!



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


It's not often you'll see something as casual as a walking explosive. These guys may move slowly, but they won't stop at cliffs, and long drops aren't good for bombs. Take care of them before their violent doom!



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Twister doesn't need to worry about spinning around too much because of his lack of eyes! This lets him spin so fast that he can lift off into a small tornado. Not bad for such a little top.



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


These bald-headed tykes are pretty acrobatic. Their main talent is being able to climb walls, but they can also run decently fast. Sounds great, but they're awfully mean when they lob stars at you for no reason!



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


These guys know nothing besides moving as fast as they can. They've got some nasty road rage in them, so don't let a group of Wheelies gang up on you!



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


The elusive UFO can't be found often, but when spotted they'll zigzag all over the place. As cool as it is to see one up close, don't be distracted lest you get a laser in the face!



Found in:

Vegetable Valley

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Rocky is slow and heavy, and he knows this. That's why he trained himself to jump really high! Watch out, though--you don't want to be underneath when he comes crashing down!



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Laser Ball

Laser Balls were made for one purpose only: to shoot lasers. It's a simple concept, but they execute it quite well. It takes them a second to line up their shot, but once you see them flash, it's time to get out of the way!



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Everyone needs their sleep, but Noddies need it more than others. Perhaps a bit too much more... They don't particularly care about what's around them and will take a quick nap whenever they feel like it.



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Starman's so special, he has six points instead of five! This fact doesn't do much more than make him look cool, but his real specialty is in his aerial mobility. He can jump super high and even soar through the sky!



Found in:

​Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Look at Pengi, just staring back at you. It's like they're just waiting for you to get close so they can unleash their icy breath, just for fun even! They'll also slide around on their big belly, always with a grin on their face. At least someone's happy!



Found in:

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


This snowman always stays in one spot, looking all around and guarding it from anyone who draws near. The icy wind he can whirl around himself can freeze you solid if you're not careful, but eat him up and you can do that too!



Found in:

​Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Cool Spook

Only someone who knows he's cool can wear sunglasses in the dark. Or does he need sunglasses because his body is so bright? Regardless, Cool Spook just casually drifts along without a real threat. He sure is cool though.



Found in:

​Butter Building

Grape Garden


Bubbles has no arms or legs, so the most he can do is bounce around, and he's okay with that! The world is his guide, and even if it means landing in Kirby's mouth, he'll be happy with whatever happens next.



Found in:

​Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


Squishies utilize their squishy bodies by jumping around all over the place. They're also good swimmers, as one would expect from a squid. They don't particularly seem like they're out to get Kirby though!



Found in:

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort


These things are the spawn of Heavy Mole. They come in two colors--yellow and red--which determines what kind of ability they yield. Be careful not to fall for a snooze-inducing trick!


Hammer (yellow)

Sleep (red)

Found in:

Yogurt Yard

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