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Pep Brew

This healing drink will refill 3 units of Kirby’s health when you find it! It’s quite a handy recovery item.

Found in:

Green Greens

Castle Lololo

Float Islands

Bubbly Clouds

Maxim Tomato

While rarer than Pep Brews, these tomatoes will bring Kirby back to full health no matter what, so always make sure to go for these helpful snacks!

Found in:

Green Greens

Castle Lololo

Float Islands

Bubbly Clouds


Running low on extra lives? No problem, just swipe one of these 1ups to gain one extra Kirby to play as! You can enter the moon at the end of Bubbly Clouds for a hidden room filled with a whole bunch of these!

Found in:

Green Greens

Castle Lololo

Float Islands

Bubbly Clouds

Invincibility Candy

We all can tell that Kirby’s a bit of a glutton, but what happens when he gets a sugar high thanks to a special swirly lollipop? He becomes super fast and totally invincible to all but bottomless pits! Go wild, nothing can hurt you for a bit!

Found in:

Castle Lololo


Kirby’s not the greatest singer, but that won’t stop him from trying his best! Inhale this and spit it back out to have Kirby burst into song, killing any enemy that happens to be on-screen at the moment!

Found in:

Castle Lololo

Float Islands


Not to be confused with the ones thrown at you by Poppy Bros. Sr., you can sometimes find bombs just lying around on the ground. Inhale them and spit them back out as a single-use projectile that powers through rows of enemies! How handy!

Found in:

Castle Lololo

Float Islands

Superspicy Curry

A rather common dish you can find in Dream Land, this curry gives Kirby some very fiery breath! Mash the attack button to continuously spit fireballs for a limited time! Jumping in water will douse Kirby’s mouth.

Found in:

Castle Lololo

Float Islands

Bubbly Clouds

Mint Leaf

Use this special leaf to float through the air for a limited time! Kirby will spit minty puffs of air, wiping out anything in his way as long as you can mash the attack button! The one you use to fight Kaboola will last indefinitely, too!

Found in:

Float Islands

Bubbly Clouds

Mt. Dedede

Warp Star

Did you find a floating star in the middle of a level? Hop on, that’s a Warp Star! These are used to transition between rooms, and are a quick and flashy means of transportation.

Found in:

Green Greens

Castle Lololo

Float Islands

Bubbly Clouds

Kirby clone

These odd, dancing Kirbys are found at the end of each revisited area in Mt. Dedede. If you touch one, all enemies on screen will be defeated, including the Gordos so rudely blocking the exit doors! It’s odd, but quite helpful!

Found in:

Mt. Dedede

Sparkling Star

You just beat a boss, so it’s time for a celebration! Collect the five Sparkling Stars from each world of Dream Land to restore the land to its former glory before the greedy King Dedede made a mess of things! Dance, Kirby, dance!

Found in:

Green Greens

Castle Lololo

Float Islands

Bubbly Clouds

Mt. Dedede

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