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First Released

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

JP: January 22, 2015

NA: February 20, 2015

EU: May 8, 2015

AU: May 9, 2015

A nice, pleasant day in Dream Land is halted when a mysterious portal opens up from the sky, sapping away all the color and making time stand still! From the portal emerges a paintbrush-like fairy being chased by a pair of hands. In a panic, the fairy paints the color back on Kirby and Waddle Dee, and the boys save her just in time! With Dream Land still a gray wasteland, the three venture into the portal to bring back the lost color.

In this sequel to Kirby: Canvas Curse on the Nintendo DS, Kirby rolls across rainbows drawn by players once again! This time, instead of the world looking like a painting, everything from the environments to the menu screens is made out of clay, complete with a choppy animation style to replicate actual claymation. While no Copy Abilities are present this time around, Kirby can be morphed into one of three vehicles in certain stages, expanding the gameplay even further. Up to three friends can play along as a Waddle Dee to help collect treasure like clay figures and pieces of music.

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